It is difficult
to contain or even describe ‘Spirit’. However, spirit-talk suggests life,
movement and energy. We talk of creative energy in inspiration; an energy which
has the power to break through barriers, break records, and go beyond the
expected and the mediocre; the energy that breaks through the locked doors of
convention and is not bound by any kind of restriction.
This divine energy
is manifested in creation, when it brought life out of nothing. The Spirit is
that Breath of Life that came from God and made humans living beings (Gn. 1,
1ff; 2, 18 – 26). The same divine
energy, the Spirit, also showed his presence and power in the form of Pillar of
Fire and Cloud to protect and guide the pilgrim people of God as the march to
freedom across the desert (Ex 14).
This divine energy
is the Consuming Fire that ate up the sacrifice of Elijah, the prophet when he
challenged the false prophets. The same Spirit lived in the prophets who spoke
courageously against the social, moral and religious evils of their time. Mary,
the virgin, was overshadowed by the power of God, the Holy Spirit, at the
conception of Jesus (Lk. 1, 18 ff.). This “Honourable Bird” appeared again at
the baptism of Jesus in the river Jordan (Mt 3).
Now Fifty days
after the death and resurrection of Jesus, a group of dispirited followers of Jesus had gathered and locked themselves in
the upper room. There was more perspiration than inspiration in the room; there
was fear and suspicion, and they listened attentively to every footstep on the
stair-case; waiting for the executioners to knock at the door. They must have
been praying that no one would discover their hiding place.
In contrast to
their expectation, there came the powerful presence of the Holy Spirit; the
Spirit takes this group of dispirited folk and fills them with new energy,
enthusiasm and confidence. The presence of the Holy Spirit takes away fear, and
makes the disciples open their lives to others. The Holy Spirit bears the
fruits of love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness,
goodness and faithfulness (Gal.5:22).
One interesting
thing about the Pentecost is that all those who receive the different gifts of
the Holy Spirit spoke the same message that was understood by everyone who
gathered in Jerusalem from various cultures and nations of the world.
The message is LOVE. It has the same sound, texture, effect and power in every
person, culture, race and country. When love becomes the language we all speak,
the powerful breathe of God will energize everyone.
For the Jewish
believers Pentecost was a harvest celebration. For the Christian community it
is the celebration of God’s planting the Holy Spirit to bring about a spiritual
harvest. Jesus breathes upon them and offers them the same breath or Spirit
that brought about order from the chaos as recounted in the book of Genesis. He
is telling them that as He was sent into the world to bring order into the
lives of all, so they were as well, the incarnations of the Spirit who
themselves are sent to bring order out of chaos. Whose chaos you order there
will be ordered, and those whose way of living retains their chaos, theirs is
retained (Jn. 20:23).
No more sitting around and worrying or
wondering who we are and what we are to do. Jesus did not give them any further
instruction except to “Go”. This in itself was encouraging and energising. The
“Honourable Bird” was now flying in and through them.