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Wednesday, 8 April 2020

Coronavirus And The Bioweapon Dilemma

Was the coronavirus manufactured in a biomedical laboratory in China or America? Is the coronavirus a biological weapon?. Do we have biomedical laboratories that create or grow viruses and why do they do so?. Which countries produce them and what happens when they leak?. Do we have examples of cases where highly contagious pathogenic viruses and bacteria have leaked from biological labs?.
I believe these are very important questions that continue to dominate headlines as the world battle COVID-19 which until February 2020 was thought to be a Chinese problem. In this write up I attempt to explore the intricate conspiracy theories that have emerged in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic and the accompanying catastrophic health puzzle that confronts humanity. I will also attempt to share light on the biological weaponry industry across the globe from a pure international management and public policy perspective. The political and moral undertones in these industries are the subject of other write-ups in the near future.
To begin with, the issue of conspiracy theories in the wake of an epidemic is not new. When the Ebola crisis was at its peak in Africa, there were rumours that it was a eugenic weapon, manufactured by some countries to suppress black people in general.
Similar suggestions have been made by sentimentalist about the invisibility surrounding the HIV-AIDS pandemic, the 2019 malaria outbreak in Burundi, the 2019 dengue fever outbreak in Africa and the Middle East, the 2018 Nipah virus outbreak in Kerala, the 2009 H1N1 flu virus, the 2015 Zika virus etc were all posited to have been deliberately engineered to cause human-induced harm to one group of people or the other.
These discussions fall within the purview of the development of biological weapons that dates back centuries ago. History has it that one of the first recorded cases of the use of biological weapons against enemies occurred in 1347 when Mongol forces hurled plague-infested bodies into a port in present-day Ukraine.
The diseases were then picked by Italian ships to Europe and that started the Black Death pandemic that killed 25 million people in Europe over four years. In 1717, Russian forces catapulted plague-infested corpses in Tallin (Estonia) in a fight against Swedish forces while in 1763, smallpox virus-infested blankets were passed on to Indian troops by British soldiers causing a devastating epidemic among their ranks. There are several records of deliberate use of biological weapons and their devastating effect during the two world wars.
To avert the future reoccurrence of this unprecedented humanitarian crisis caused by biological weapons, the international community negotiated successfully to halt the production of chemical and biological weapons after World War I and reinforced the ban in 1972 and 1993 by prohibiting the development, production, stockpiling and transfer of these weapons.
As of 2013, a total of 180 states and Taiwan had signed the Biological Weapons Convention (BWC) formerly known as Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production and Stockpiling of Bacteriological (Biological) and Toxin Weapons and on their Destruction.
Under the terms of the BWC, member states are prohibited from using biological weapons in warfare and from developing, testing, producing, stockpiling, or deploying them. Instead, countries were encouraged to channel their biological weapon resources to productive industrial uses such as pest control, disease control, poison detection, food production etc.
For example, China started cultivating the special Chinese ducks as powerful biological weapons to fight against locust invasion of farms during the dry weather seasons. One Chinese duck can “control” a 4-square-meter of land and can eat at least 200 large size locusts in a single day. Using ducks to prevent locust plague is economically and environmentally friendly compared with spraying pesticides.
In February 2020, a reported number of 100,000 to 200,000 Chinese ducks were sent to Pakistan to help the country fight the locust invasion of their farms. Despite the ban on biological weapons, a number of states have continued to secretly pursue biological warfare capabilities, seeking a cheaper but still deadly strategic weapon rather than following the more difficult and expensive path to nuclear weapons.
US Senator Thomas Bryant Cotton is probably the most visible US personality to suggest that the deadly coronavirus may have originated in a high-security biochemical lab in Wuhan. According to him, his main source of information is a study published by Chinese scientists in the Lancet, which he called a “respected international science journal”.
In February 2020, when the epidemic was at its peak in China the Acting US Assistant Secretary of State for Europe and Eurasia; Philip Reeker accused Russia in an interview with Agence France Presse-AFP of using fake Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram accounts to spread false theories that suggest that COVID-19 is a US bioweapon engineered by the CIA to “wage economic war on China.
Zhao Lijian (a spokesman for the Foreign Ministry in China) also openly associated the US with the possible exportation of the virus from the US to Wuhan. This was after Robert Redfield, who is the director of US’ Centers for Disease Control and Prevention had disclosed to US Congress that some US soldiers who took part in a military championship game in Wuhan in October 2019 when the virus was unknown in Wuhan had tested positive with the virus. Robert Redfield had also disclosed to the US Congress that some people in the US who were previously thought to have died of influenza actually tested positive for COVID-19 long before the disease surfaced in Wuhan.
It is gainsaying that, the mention of US, China and Russia does not in any way suggest that they are the only countries interested in the bioweapon industry, but in doubt at front liners in global weapon manufacturing and distribution.
Indeed over the last two weeks a video of the late ex-president of Iraq, Saddam Hussein has gone viral in which he is heard accusing the US of attempting to attack Iraq with coronavirus in the 1990s. On March 22, 2020, Kate Feldman reported for the New York Daily News that Iran’s Supreme Leader; Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said Iran had rejected US medical aid to fight COVID-19 in the country because they believed the US will use it as an opportunity to spread the virus to Iran to make the government unpopular.
A critical examinations of the main countries involved in the cycle of accusations and counteraccusations about bioweapons shows that these countries have been unfriendly nations for a long time and their feud usually spills over into an otherwise positive medical safety initiative to cultivate viruses for public health protection.
Even though biological weapons are banned across the globe, the practice of allowing nations to cultivate or keep highly contagious and pathogenic viruses like Coronavirus is permitted, not new, not secretive and not uncommon in so far as its objectives are approved within the framework of international conventions.
It is similar to laboratories created to develop nuclear or atomic energy for positive purposes across the globe but subsequently abused for other destructive purposes. In the case of biomedical science, these high-level labs are called Bio-Safety Level 4 Labs (BSL-4).
BSL-4 labs provide top level security for scientists to handle pathogens of the highest risk (Group 4), such as Ebola, Lassa and Nipah viruses. BSL-4 labs diagnose and investigate these types of pathogens without endangering the staff or the population at large, yet accidents can occur just as accidents occur in hospital theatres leading to loss of lives. Currently, there are 52 Biosafety Level 4 (BSL-4) laboratories across the world.  15 of them are in the US, 6 in the UK, 1 in China (Wuhan), 1 in Russia, 4 in Australia, 4 in Germany, 3 in India 2 each in Taiwan, Switzerland, Italy, Japan, and Korea. The others are located in other countries.
In developing countries, in particular, industries that are perceived as dangerous like weapon manufacturing, nuclear and atomic physics, nano-technology, bioweapon, etc is not very popular but are vibrant industries in a lot of developed countries such as US, Canada, Japan, China, Russia, Italy, France, etc.
Most of the labs in Africa are levels 1 and 2 with a few level 3 biological labs that handle basic parasites, bacteria and less pathogenic viruses. While studying at the University of Granada in Spain  in the between 2010 and 2013, a Russian colleague confronted me on why I was wasting time studying what i was studying instead of chemistry.  Again while studying in South Africa, a Chinese friend asked me why most African students in the school were studying management, international politics (like myself), political science and finance instead of studying science, technology and engineering as the Chinese were doing.
In both instances, I understood the messages they were communicating about the priorities of an African educational system very clearly. It is therefore not surprising that only two BSL-4 labs (out of the 52) are in Africa. These are the Centre International de Recherches Médicales de Franceville in Gabon and the National Institute for Communicable Diseases in South Africa.
The lack of interest in these perceived dangerous industries and the pressure from developed countries to stop investing in them may explain why all the stock of Uranium in my home country (Ghana) has been sold to China and its Atomic Energy Commission is not very beneficial to the ordinary citizen. A brief history of the BSL-4 Laboratory in Wuhan is important to set the mistrusts in the creation of level 4 biosafety laboratories into context.
The BSL-4 laboratory at the Wuhan Institute of Virology was opened in January 2015. The facility is jointly owned by China and France. On February 23, 2017, the then French Prime Minister; Bernard Cazeneuve visited officially inaugurated the joint initiative. The first contagious virus to be transferred to the lab was the Ebola virus from Africa. Wuhan’s laboratory is under the management of the National Health and Family Planning Commission and the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Its vision is “to operate top-notch scientific research to respond to diseases based on Chinese and French expertise”.
Mr. Yaping Zhang, Vice President of China Academic of Sciences addressed the inaugural ceremony with these words “the laboratory will help China to strengthen the capability of preventing and controlling outbreaks of emerging infectious diseases and aid scientific research and development of antiviral drugs and vaccines”.
Since only BSL-4 laboratories keep such dangerous viruses and considering their potency for warfare,  there is the growing suspicion that countries hosting BSL-4 Labs uses them to secretly produce bioweapons hence the linkage between Wuhan’s BSL-4 lab and COVID-19. Recently, terrorist groups such as Al-Qaida, ISIS, etc have also started manufacturing their own bioweapons.
This underlines the growing interest in bioterrorism as a field of study and a university in Ghana has started the process to deliver a bachelor program in bioterrorism to study this field more accurately. The global mistrust in the possible use of viruses for bioweapons is well known to China and other nations hence they seize every opportunity to assuage the fears of the global public when these issues come up.
For example during the visit of the French Prime Minister to Wuhan’s BSL-4 Laboratory in 2017, the Director of the Institute, Mr. Zhiming Yuan emphasized that transparency is the cornerstone of the laboratory, and an open culture is of vital importance to guarantee the security of the Laboratory.
Beyond the BSL-4 labs, countries also suspect that other secret installations exist for the development of vibrant bioweapon industry across the globe. In 2018 the Nuclear Threat Initiative of the US doubted China’s public declaration of being in compliance with the Biological Weapon Convention. Past and present U.S. government agencies have alleged that China has a small-scale offensive biological weapons program.
Only “credible evidence” stands between the US and the claim that Chinese entities have transferred control of biological weapons-related items to nations of proliferation concern such as Iran. In 2008, the US Congressional Research Service reported from unclassified sources that China, Iran, Israel, North Korea, Russia, and Syria have some bioweapon capability without much certainty and detail.
Conversely, China, Iran, Israel, North Korea, Russia, and Syria suspects that the US and its allies are also producing bioweapons without credible evidence. These countries believe that military medical institutions and toxin research and development centres in the US are dual-use structures for education and biological weapon manufacturing.
But in reality, a lot of developed countries (even those without BSL-4 Laboratories) appear to be secretly developing bioweapons as part of its biotechnology infrastructure including viruses. This is a certainty without proof and the possibility of viruses leaking from BSL-4 to cause an epidemic is a proof without certainty.
The International Committee of the Red Cross supports this assertion when they state that “today’s advances in life sciences and biotechnology, as well as changes in the security environment, have increased concern that long-standing restraints on the use of chemical and biological weapons may be eroding”. The hypocrisy in the biological weapon industry is similar to that in the chemical or nuclear weapon industry. If you think your neighbour is having more than you and you feel threatened, you make noise to make them look bad.
It is an open secret that the US like others produces its own nuclear weapons in secret, and indeed the US is the only country in the world to have successfully fired a nuclear bomb in Nagasaki and Hiroshima during World War II. However, due to the threat from North Korea and, Iran etc, the US will constantly ring alarm bells to court global disaffection for these countries without disclosing theirs. These countries (North Korea and, Iran) also are constantly spreading anti-American sentiments among their citizens and the global public to court international sympathy.
Thus Anti-America, Anti-China, Anti-Islam, Anti-Black, Anti-Arab, Anti-Israel, Anti-Japan, Anti-Russia and Anti-Korea sentiments etc have all subtly contributed to nourishing a flourishing undercover bioweapon market across the world. Finally, just as nuclear accidents occur in atomic and nuclear laboratories as was witnessed in Chernobyl (Soviet Union) and Bhopal (India), accidents can occur in BSL-4 laboratories and highly contagious pathogenic viruses can escape to cause widespread epidemics in the catchment area or spread abroad.
This is at the centre of the “Wuhan lab conspiracy theory” but this  “invincible biomedical conundrum” will remain unproven. Many patients have died in hospitals by medical negligence but the truth will never come out. Most importantly, even without virus leakages from BSL-4, highly contagious and pathogenic viruses can emerge and mutate.
Most of the greatest epidemic cases in history occurred when there were no virus labs and bioweapon industries. As human as we are, we cannot ignore the thin truism in these conspiracy theories but we need to set the boundary on how much of it is too far and how far of it is too much. “Stay at Home”