You will do well to be attentive to it,
as to a lamp shining in a dark place,
until day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts. 2Pt 1:19
Today is the feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord. I am struck at the juxtaposition of the glorious and the intimate in the readings today – and how that mix leads to change for mission. The readings have many majestic images of kingship and glory. However, they also offer intimate images of relationship in the giving of authority, advice, and explicit recognition that Jesus is beloved. We can meditate on these knowing that we now carry that mantle of beloved. In my hurried days I know I too often read the readings searching for the “to do” and don’t spend sufficient time just dwelling on the majestic images and revealing in the intimate love expressed in the scriptures. Today, I want to commit to coming back to these images throughout the day – to be attentive to them.
As I write this message, the daily readings have been taking us through the Exodus story. Perhaps that is why the verse about Moses and Elijah telling Jesus about his exodus that he was going to accomplish in Jerusalem stuck out in my reading this time. The glorious transformation, the miraculous visit and the intimate affirmation by God all direct Jesus to his mission. To stay and build tents, as Peter suggests, would distract from that mission. We are beloved by a mighty God and called to continue the Exodus. Wisdom, strength and all we need for our call is available to us. Love, support, and forgiveness are readily available just as we are called to offer that love, support, and forgiveness to others. Being attentive to this prophetic message, dwelling on it in the backdrop of our day, brings hope and direction.
Today may we be attentive to the amazing glory and intimate love expressed in the scriptures. May we pray for one another and recognize in one another the transformation for mission that God accomplishes through us, his Beloved.