Our first observation is that Paul is not interested in human or social values for their own sake. For him the only thing that matters is to be in Christ. You remember the story of the slaves being loaded off the slave ship, naked and in chains, and a Christian minister sprinkling them with holy water and baptizing them as they disembark. For this minister, being in chains does not really matter, what matters is being baptized and saving one’s soul. We have come a long way from that position. Today we know that freedom and human rights are of value in themselves, whether the people affected are Christians or not. Today we are aware of human rights and values which should be defended for everyone irrespective of their religious affiliation. Today the church has a social gospel in addition to the traditional spiritual gospel.
Paul’s gospel, however, was a spiritual gospel. It is good news addressed not to the whole of humanity but to those who are in Christ Jesus. In Christ, social status does not matter, it does not count. In Christ there is no longer Jew or Greek, slave or free, male or female, since in Christ everybody is equal. Those outside of Christ do not share in this equality. Paul appeals to Philemon to receive Onesimus back “no longer as a slave but more than a slave, a beloved brother” (verse 16) not because slavery is morally wrong, not because a Christian should not keep slaves, but because a Christian cannot keep a fellow Christian, a brother or sister of equal standing before God, as a slave. Later, as Christians began to realise that what is good for the goose is good for the gander, that what is good for Christians is also good for non-Christians, they would begin the campaign to abolish slavery from the face of the earth.
As Christians in the 21st century reading a personal letter that Paul wrote 2,000 years ago, what good news do we find in it? How does it challenge us?
Paul’s Letter to Philemon reminds us that as Christians we need to have higher standards of moral behaviour among us than what obtains in the society at large. If it is true that among us “There is no longer Jew or Greek, there is no longer slave or free, there is no longer male and female; for all of you are one in Christ Jesus” (Galatians 3:28), then we need to have more egalitarian structures in Christian communities and churches than what obtains in the wider society. Our oneness in Christ should come before our differences of age, race, gender, and social status in such a way that non-Christians seeing the way we live can say, “See how much they love one another.
Secondly, Paul’s Letter to Philemon is a sad reminder to us that even Paul did not have all the answers. As a church, Jesus promised us that the Holy Spirit will guide us into all the truth (John 16:13). The Spirit has led us to see that the gospel of Christ is for the total liberation of the whole person, body and soul, social and spiritual. Let us pray today that we may be more keenly aware of the abuses of human rights that are going on in our homes, in our communities and in our world.
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