Having a good lawyer is vital in coming out unscathed in any legal tussle. Among other things, a good lawyer would offer sound legal advice and appropriately represent you in court.
In using the Greek term parakletos (often translated as advocate, helper, counsellor or comforter) to speak of the Holy Spirit, the author of the Gospel text for today sends us right into a court-room context where a parakletos stands next to the one who is accused. The powerful presence of such an advocate is enough to end the case. As an advocate, the Holy Spirit is a friend in need and that makes him a friend indeed.
The First Reading offers us a practical example of the role of the Holy Spirit as a parakletos in the life of a believer. The name of Philip first appears in the Acts of the Apostles when the decision was made to select ?seven reputable men filled with the Holy Spirit and wisdom? to handle the daily distribution within the Jerusalem Christian community (cf. Acts 6:1ff). By choosing Philip to be a member of the group of seven, one can infer that he must have been a man full of the Holy Spirit.
In the wake of the persecution that arose in Jerusalem, primarily targeted at the Hellenist Christians, Philip fled and came to Samaria. Our liturgical text for today gives us a picture of the action of the Holy Spirit in his ministry during his sojourn in that city. He brought joy there and the crowd accepted the message he preached because they heard and saw the signs which he was performing; for unclean spirits came out of many who were possessed, crying with a loud voice; and many who were paralyzed or lame were healed? (Acts 8:6-7). The person of the Holy Spirit in the life of Philip was that which made a difference in his ministry.
A proclamation of the Gospel using words but devoid of power does not bring about conversion. The Holy Spirit is not a mere theological construct of the mind. He is first and foremost a person to be experienced. There is power in his presence and this power manifests in signs. He is the secret behind any fruitful ministry in the vineyard of the Lord.
Many of us work so hard but achieve so little because we rely on our human strength rather than the strength of the Holy Spirit. There are some of us who go to Church every Sunday and yet are totally ignorant about the person and work of the Holy Spirit in the life of a Christian. There are others too who are experts in giving talks about the Holy Spirit but do not have a living relationship with the person they talk about passionately.
The good news is that we too can experience the Holy Spirit exactly the same way Philip did. How? Jesus gives the answer in the Gospel text: "If you love me, you will keep my commandments. And I will pray the Father, and he will give you another Paraclete to be with you for ever (Jn. 14:15-16).
The Holy Spirit is closer to us than we are to ourselves. As we seek to express our love for Jesus by obeying his commandments and as we pray, Come Holy Spirit, the grace of Baptism and Confirmation would fructify in us and we shall discover immense power in His presence to accomplish mighty works.
PRAYER: Lord Jesus we pray for a new Pentecost. Fill us with the power of your Spirit and make our lives bear fruits in abundance. Amen
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