• In describing the increasing rate of immorality, the author used words such as “daughters”, “women”, “children” and “sons of God” in reference to the human race. Genesis 6:3 attests that indeed the author was talking about human beings and not some super humans as we usually imagine. Have we so far noted that not all biblical stories are to be taken literally?
• In the text, God, who saw that all he had made was very good (cf. Gen 1:31), is presented as having regretted creating human beings. Has this ever struck us in any way? How often have we not been disappointed with our own selves? Could God be said to be like us in that regard?
• Well, “God regretted” was the author’s way of showing that God is holy and just, but human beings are unfaithful. “God regretted”, as used in the text, therefore does not in any way imply that God changed his mind; for God is always faithful to his word (cf. 1Sam15:29), and he is always merciful to those who repent of their sins and return to him with all their hearts (cf. Jer 26:1-3). God therefore cannot regret as we understand it!
• The story of the flood demonstrates that God saves those who remain faithful to him. We are often attracted to act the way all others around us do. However, one thing we must always ask ourselves is this: is what am doing pleasing to God? Let’s note, we must not follow the crowd because we can get lost with the crowd. Rom 12:2 should be our guide.
May the Lord bless and keep all of us, Amen.
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