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Saturday, 19 January 2013


In our country Ghana and some other countries, on days like Armed Forces Remembrance Day, wreathes are laid on the graves dedicated to the “unknown soldier”- i.e. innumerable nameless soldiers who fought and died for our country either during wars or in peace-keeping operations. Today (November 1st, the Solemnity of All Saints) we lay wreathes, not on the graves of the numerous unknown saints, but on the lives and virtues of gallant saintly sons and daughters of the Church. It is a feast that challenges every Christian and points to those who are the examples of our faith. They got to where they are now, Jesus says, by being poor in the spirit; gentle; grieving over the ills of the society, etc. We can as well challenge ourselves this day by saying “I can also become a saint, and would be celebrated in the church as St. (your name) or St. Borketey or even St. Afrifah of Nungua, if and only if I live a virtuous life”. Some of us today are making lots of sacrifices unknown to the world, but very much known to God. God has promised blessings to those who faithfully serve him. Let us rejoice as we pray to persevere till the end-Happy Feast!

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